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21st JMT designs and manufacturers hydraulically and pneumatically driven polyurethane foam and polyurea machines.
Our objective is to supply you with an American made machine of superior performance to any currently on the market.
Over 37 years of engineering experience are incorporated into 21st JMT’s machines. Engineered to be user friendly, they are offered as a single unit or a series of modular components that can be located to best suit the customer’s needs. For extended periods between maintenance, 21st JMT machines feature improved pump seals, heavy-duty drive cylinders and superior performing primary heaters.
The 21st JMT’s spray machine has been field tested for many months. Replacing a Graco® machine, the 21st JMT machine was used exclusively for ten major projects; exceeding the customer’s expectation.
To keep your existing machines operating, 21st JMT offers technical service and assistance with spare parts. 21st JMT offers custom engineered equipment.
Call Tim Shocksnider, founder of 21st JMT, Inc. to discuss any questions you may have about our new line of equipment.